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There are many unclear and contradictory moments in the Katyn events.
There are still ongoing discussions about what happened in Katyn near Smolensk, and who is to blame for this crime.
Over the years, two mutually exclusive versions have developed. Each of them has its own system of evidence, which opponents cannot ignore and cannot refute. Historians and ordinary citizens have divided into two irreconcilable camps that have been arguing with each other for 75 years.
Demyan VALUEV, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of General History of Smolensk State University, expresses his opinion about the Katyn tragedy.
russian and soviet surgeon
burgermeister of Smolensk
Soviet and Russian politician
russian and soviet surgeon
burgermeister of Smolensk
Soviet and Russian politician
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If you have a commercial offer for cooperation in the case of the investigation of the Katyn events, write us your email and we will definitely contact you.